
Showing posts from October, 2017

#rant 2

i dont need the warmth that i had once experienced , nor i long for the wall , look into my eyes , i dont define happiness with the old definitions , i only make definitions from the present . no need to travel in time or space ....... i am happy because thats how i think!!!! thats how i want things to be!


IN THE HEART OF THE BEAST - GOA IS AWESOME WATSONS GOA Best place for a morning white Russian and Egg kothu Paratha. Epic place awesome music. I was welcomed by a completely empty bar and Knocking on heavens door by Aerosmith. White Russian and Egg Kothu Paratha the wall at Watsons is a piece of art watsons Then we moved to Tiracol to our hotel. The view was just beautiful. It was the Tiracol Fort heritage Resort. the view from attached balcony crazy lamps!! a lazy sunday morning in Tiracol the View!! Right of the above picture sea horse arambol goa - ecstasy  QUERIM BEACH  FERRY TO THE BEACH AT THE BEACH THE BEACH FUN AT THE BEACH

The Art of Being Unseen

The Situation I attended a comedy show last night and I realized something. How utterly plain my life is. It has gotten to a point where even if I fake that life is interesting and I am living a secret superhero's life, the world denies it. I sat alone in a chess horse position from everybody. Sundeep Sharma is the best comedian man! The Crisis It is as simple as in and out. Input and output. There are phases where I myself trip in and out of my own existence but that is hardly anywhere close to the existential crisis that I have when I wake up. What did I learn in the comedy show? Well when you are too alone, you can be identified as a creep. couples avoided to even sit near me. Even though i was donning the corporate slavery uniform. It was not me that was actually repulsive to them. It was the idea. The realization of the void and the blankness that lurks in the background. I am just a layer away from it. Why? Because i deny the system. In a pure nihilistic sense of