
Do you think life abroad is better than in India?

Life? - What you are living like right now Abroad? - any place out of India Better? - Money or standard of living? I would first of all say that the answers here are emotional and hold nothing to what actually is being asked. Ashamed of people stating the only reason India is better, is, its “Our Country”. Its way more than that. Before I answer, I will bring out some important facts. Supply Chain management and Manufacturing prowess of China and India combined are producing products that the whole world is consuming - starting from FMCG to medicine to Business Solutions The next revolution is the Digital revolution - India is at the heart of it - more jobs in India than anywhere possible Due to “Cheap” yet “Excellent” quality of skilled employee - India is the destination where everything is being developed - Don’t believe my word - just google how many .com giants are almost entirely in India Now that the facts have been established let me comment on “Its just better


THE AGE OF DATA SCIENCE WHERE DO YOU STAND DATA DRIVEN WORLD - EMOTION DRIVEN ANIMALS B Y N A V E S H K U M A R HOW YOUR LIKE COVERTS TO YOUR CARD SWIPES There has been a paradigm shift in how seller sees a buyer now. The process is far from street hawking and chance based. Like a predator, we are being stalked, in questionable way in-fact. The Facebook data breach fiasco being a key example of how we are being stalked. But is it that bad? Let us take a look into how this process would ideally work. Your friend Sally went on a ski trip to the Alps. She checked in to XYZ Ski resort and YOU LIKED that FB check in. At this stage, probably you are just happy for Sally, for a brief moment you might as well think “I wish I was there!!” and then you check you bank account, then realise “NOPE!”. But then you start to save for this certain trip. In the background what would happen – your banker now know you are spending less than usual this means there is a tendency t

Work Life Balance

Work life balance is a tricky thing to understand. What I understand is that it is the amount of time spent in doing office work against the time you get for personal work. I now believe it is far more than that. I have recently seen very good content because I quit my job and had lots of time. This includes Sacred Games, House of Cards, House MD, Boston Legal. I really could connect with the characters. I felt the thrill when Sartaj Singh was travelling in the train to meet Malcolm Murad, I loved how Frank Underwood played Garret, I was just blown away by Dr House and the kind of douche he was, yet he was a good doctor. The child me in me got excited and all worked up after the shows, but then, one day, the employee in me just could not take it.  This is where it started hitting me. These web series or television shows that we watch so nicely is just about an employee doing a great job by sacrificing their work life balance. Although all the professions that I have seen do not

#rant 2

i dont need the warmth that i had once experienced , nor i long for the wall , look into my eyes , i dont define happiness with the old definitions , i only make definitions from the present . no need to travel in time or space ....... i am happy because thats how i think!!!! thats how i want things to be!


IN THE HEART OF THE BEAST - GOA IS AWESOME WATSONS GOA Best place for a morning white Russian and Egg kothu Paratha. Epic place awesome music. I was welcomed by a completely empty bar and Knocking on heavens door by Aerosmith. White Russian and Egg Kothu Paratha the wall at Watsons is a piece of art watsons Then we moved to Tiracol to our hotel. The view was just beautiful. It was the Tiracol Fort heritage Resort. the view from attached balcony crazy lamps!! a lazy sunday morning in Tiracol the View!! Right of the above picture sea horse arambol goa - ecstasy  QUERIM BEACH  FERRY TO THE BEACH AT THE BEACH THE BEACH FUN AT THE BEACH

The Art of Being Unseen

The Situation I attended a comedy show last night and I realized something. How utterly plain my life is. It has gotten to a point where even if I fake that life is interesting and I am living a secret superhero's life, the world denies it. I sat alone in a chess horse position from everybody. Sundeep Sharma is the best comedian man! The Crisis It is as simple as in and out. Input and output. There are phases where I myself trip in and out of my own existence but that is hardly anywhere close to the existential crisis that I have when I wake up. What did I learn in the comedy show? Well when you are too alone, you can be identified as a creep. couples avoided to even sit near me. Even though i was donning the corporate slavery uniform. It was not me that was actually repulsive to them. It was the idea. The realization of the void and the blankness that lurks in the background. I am just a layer away from it. Why? Because i deny the system. In a pure nihilistic sense of


There are times when you feel the reality, the truth. It's the precise time when you can understand the dual nature of the world and you think that its a a fleeting memory created on a spec of dust revolving around an average star which could not even become a dual star system. It this precise moment when you realise how important love is and by love I mean not just conjugal or familial love, i mean the love that makes the world and heavens move. We can call it whatever we want,Higgs boson, Anti matter, Gravitrons. its this precise moment when we realise that all this, whatever we see, is all there for the purpose of divine love.